Sex Therapy


What is a sex therapist?

A sex therapist specializes in identifying and treating sexual concerns. They are trained to address things like medical issues (in conjunction with a medical professional), sexual trauma, infidelity, differences in desire, and unconsummated marriages. A sex therapist can work with an individual or with a couple to address sexual function, sexual feelings, or intimacy concerns. Often, sexual issues are the cause of or are the result of concerns within a relationship or other life stressors. A sex therapist can help you identify and address these concerns to improve your relationship and sex life.

What does a sex therapist treat?


Affair Recovery/Infidelity

Delayed Ejaculation

Differences in Desire

Erectile Dysfunction

Lack of Desire, Orgasm, and/or Arousal

Low Desire

Premature Ejaculation

Pain with Sex

Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder

Porn Addiction

Sex and Aging

Sexual Addiction

Sexual Trauma

Unconsummated Marriages

Sex therapists may specialize in sexual concerns, but they are not limited to only sexual topics. Feel free to bring up other concerns during your treatment. Your therapist will find it helpful in better understanding you and will either be able to help you with the concern or refer you to someone better able to help you.

Can sex therapy help me?

If you have questions about sex or are unhappy with your sex life, it is possible that sex therapy can help you. Feel free to contact our office to speak briefly with a sex therapist on staff to address any questions you may have about sex therapy. Therapy will have the best outcome if you are honest and open in the process, so it is important to find a therapist you feel comfortable with.

Talking about sex is embarrassing.

Talking about deeply personal concerns is challenging for most people and sexual issues can be particularly challenging for many people to discuss. Even though sex is prevalent in books, movies, and television, people are often embarrassed to discuss such an intimate subject, especially when they are having a problem. A sex therapist has been exposed to many types of difficult sexual information and is trained to help people with those struggles. Because of their training, sex therapists are open to hearing any concerns that you have in order to help you overcome them.

If this is a medical issue, why would a sex therapist be helpful?

For many sexual concerns, it is important that you are assessed by a medical professional (likely a gynecologist, urologist, or pelvic floor physical therapist). While certain conditions, such as Erectile Dysfunction, can (and likely should) be treated medically, there are often psychological impacts that can be effectively addressed by a sex therapist. Oftentimes, sexual problems can be the result of a stressor in one’s life. They can also have a negative impact on your sexual partner, your relationship, or your self-esteem. A sex therapist can help you identify and address the non-medical causes and/or effects of your sexual problems.

Consider this example: a man may experience Erectile Dysfunction after losing his job. This man's identity is tied to his job and his ability to provide for his family so the job loss results in a negative view of himself and his own sense of masculinity. His spouse may even begin to feel unattractive or that the problem lies with her. Now the spouse is affected. The couple may begin to experience conflict, reduced intimacy, decreased desire, or decreased arousal because of hurt feelings. In a case such as this, the client would need to see their urologist to assess and potentially treat the Erectile Dysfunction medically. This could resolve the issue entirely but sometimes due to the complexity, a sex therapist is needed to help the couple identify and address the residual impact of the Erectile Dysfunction on their relationship.

Sex and Porn Addiction

While sex and porn addiction are not officially recognized diagnoses by the American Psychiatric Association, many men and women still struggle with porn or sexual behaviors that they cannot control. In these cases, a sex therapist can help the client understand their addiction and assist them in their recovery. In most cases, it is recommended that the client also participate in a 12-step program such as SA, SLAA, or Celebrate Recovery.

What is a Christian sex therapist?

A Christian sex therapist is the same as any other sex therapist, except, they are operating from a Christian worldview for clients that prefer that worldview. For non-Christians, this means that the treatment will be no different than seeing any sex therapist. For Christians, this means that a Biblical view of sex can be utilized, that your value system will be taken into consideration before recommending interventions, and that the spiritual components of your relationship will be encouraged. All clients are allowed to choose whether they would like a Christian worldview incorporated in the treatment. There will be no judgment on how clients choose to proceed.

For more information about Corrie Brewton, our sex therapist on staff, please view her bio here. You can contact her by calling our office or emailing her directly at